
Keep Update On @Hallomamika

Tuesday 2 January 2018

Things you NEED and A Thing you WANT

Talk about things you need for your family and a thing you want . ME, as a mother will pick the first one without questioning . NEED . What i want is not important . At least for me .

But sometimes when i really want something and i knew that i'm capable of getting it BUT i cant have it, it kind of depressing . Why cant? Cause i have another need . An urgently need . Push aside what i want, and get to what my family needs .

Just like now, when i want something so bad and i cant . Ugh, cant stop sighing my self .

Being a mother is not easy . Being a NOT WORKING mother is MORE than not easy . And being a working home mom, is more more super more not easy .

Thanks that i still have a nanny who's taking care of the house while i'm taking care the baby . What am i complain for?

As a woman, i need many things . Skin care, Body treatment, Make up, Fashion and Good Teeth . But as a mother i just need 1 hour reviewing my blog . At least make a refresh PING and Blogwalking . Can i have it? Yes, in the middle of the night like this .
its almost 12.00 now
Well, at the last click of the day, whatever my regret is, i always ended up smiling . When i knew i pass this day looking my husband and my baby sleeping . Healthy, happy, clean, and with a full pompom belly .

Being a mom is simple . Just do it . 

Woman is strong . Mom? Absolutely STRONGER 

dont forget to follow @hallomamika

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